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JIS - Business Manager (JBM)

abosco: JIS Business Manager

JBM = JIS Business Manager - the complete package for your JIT/JIS processing and production

Thanks to its modular system, our JIS Business Manager can be configured to meet any customer requirement: from simple pick-and-pack applications to complex B2O (built-to-order) applications, entirely according to your wishes.

Shortest implementation times, highest availability, scalable and complete - with the JIS Business Manager you cover your requirements for use in JIS and production.

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Fig.: Consolidated representation of the JBM features.

smart & powerful

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Complete package for JIS processing

From JIS call-off to delivery in sequence to the manufacturer's assembly line often takes only a few hours. The challenge of JIS delivery therefore requires a high level of continuous data exchange and communication between supplier and manufacturer. Our robust and efficient JBM simplifies the complex control of material flow, production and shipping. As a fully self-contained module, our JBM is the complete package for handling sequential supply (JIS/JIT) from receipt of call-offs to the shipping phase.


Fig.: Sketch of an EDI-based data exchange in the automotive sector with the interface to abosco.

We solve your requirements regarding EDI and integrate our JBM into your ERP processes through customizable interfaces. Orders are controlled and checked initiatively. Labels and forms are created according to customer requirements.

From order entry to goods issue, abosco offers a reliable solution to handle shipping quickly, efficiently and error-free.

Additional visualization and forecasting tools provide a quick overview in which area possible problems are waiting and allow an early reaction to deviations.

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The "all-round carefree package"

Manufacturing Execution System

The MES module generates a digital image of production, regardless of the complexity of the components. Freely configurable plausibility checks control the processes and the number of checks and validations can be adjusted according to your needs.

Timely defect detection and subsequent production stop ensures that only iO parts are further processed and no unnecessary step is taken in the value chain. The interface between the physical and digital world is an important prerequisite for traceability and Industry 4.0

Batch tracing or the tracing of not only safety-relevant or documentation-required components is playing an increasingly important role. For example, serial numbers of sensors can be assigned to an order and stored. The more systems or machines are integrated, the more product or process data can be added and linked.

Feedback from production can be provided in a variety of ways: be it with a (web) mask, scanners (barcodes) or communication via PLC or RFID. Thus, the data exchange can be the communication with production plants, robot controls, assembly systems or overhead conveyor systems.

Further modules support the picking process with the connection and control of a pick-to-light system or the material request directly in the warehouse through eKanban at the workstation.

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